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Charismatic Interests

Showing 1–50 of 60 results

  • Accessing The Riches Of Heaven


    I just want to be in heaven. When we enter seasons of hardship or shortage, we yearn for the peace, tranquility, and abundance we know we will find in heaven. But did you know that God has given us access to the riches of heaven here on earth? Bestselling author and entrepreneur Patricia King dives into Scripture and answers questions like- What does accessing the riches of heaven look like?- What kinds of riches are there?- How can I receive my spiritual inheritance?- What impedes me from accessing this heavenly abundance?- Does God bestow different kinds of riches on different people?The Father provides for his children and has given you the means to access his riches here and now. Will you accept his invitation?

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  • Breaking Generational Curses


    Are you held captive by a generational curse? Take the test and find out!

    Do you or a family member…
    *Exhibit anger issues?
    *Suffer mental illness?
    *Have a history of abuse or chronic illness?
    *Face failure after failure?

    A generational curse from your family line may be the root cause of these issues. Don’t let past sins from your family tree continue to wreak havoc in your life. God has a bright future planned for you!

    In Breaking Generational Curses, international speaker and author Marilyn Hickey teaches how Jesus Christ reversed every curse. She shares powerful lessons and worksheets to help you overcome these curses from the past. Take the complete test inside, identify generational sin, and break free from the curse once and for all!

    Now is the time to shatter evil from the past and take control of your future!

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  • Chosen : Appointed For Favor, Destined For Greatness



    This book will equip you with prophetic insight and divine strategies that will jump-start you on the path toward destiny.
    There is a distinction between the called and the chosen, the many and the few. Who are these people? How did they get exclusive access to the favor of God? They are confident and prosperous, generous and joyful. They live in the realm of miracles and the supernatural, as if the very breath of God is on every decision they make in life. One season after the next they are catapulted to new levels in life. All they do is win and trample over challenges, disappointments, and attacks from the enemy, while others still remain at the starting line, awaiting breakthrough.

    In her book Michelle McClain-Walters shows readers just what this distinction is and how they can live in the fullness of their identity as God’s chosen ones. Built on the words of Christ in John 15:16–“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit–fruit that will last–and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you”–and Matthew 22:14–“Many are called but few are chosen”–Chosen is a revelation of the spiritual force behind the life of the next-level believer.

    Choose now and declare, “I am chosen!” and watch as the mysteries of heaven are opened to you.

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  • Conquering The Spirit Of Death


    Take hold of abundant life!

    The devil prowls around like a lion, seeking to steal, kill, and destroy. The enemy can keep us from experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promised.

    But the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives within us, His children. To truly walk in fullness of life, we must apply this resurrection power to our daily lives!

    Becky Dvorak is an everyday mom, wife, and grandmother who served on the foreign mission field for many years. She’s not a TV evangelist or celebrity preacher; she is simply someone who, through practice, learned how enforce God’s supernatural power in her life. In this, her boldest work yet, she calls all believers to step into new realms of Jesus’ resurrection power.

    Through compelling testimonies, her own dynamic story, and next-level Bible teaching,
    Becky shows you how to:
    *Come into agreement with the Spirit of life.
    *Recognize and renounce the spirit of death.
    *Be prepared for sudden and unexpected battles.
    *Reject the fear of death.
    *Use five revelatory keys to overcome the spirit of death.
    *Use biblical keys to overcoming Depression

    Throw off the spirit of death, and take hold of the joy and abundance of Jesus’ resurrection power!

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  • Creative Fusion : Merging Kingdom Strategies To Impact Our World


    From the beginning of time, God endowed people with His creative power, intending for them to rule and steward over all the earth.

    But Satan–once heaven’s most beautiful and creative angel–convinced Adam and Eve that the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would give them a power that they already had. The moment that they ate the fruit, they handed their authority over to Satan. Oppression ruled the world; instead of the luminosity of heaven’s pattern advancing through the planet, creeping darkness took hold.

    The enemy knows the highly effective powers of creativity all too well. Despite being cut off from its divine origin, he uses it with vigor to effectively communicate his counterfeit and repetitive message across the world.

    Creative Fusion follows the interlinking tabernacle pattern of God laid out from Genesis through Revelation to provide Christians with the answers to reclaim the Lord’s creative energy and His DNA that He placed within us.

    Author Charity Bowman-Webb wants readers to discover the magnificent wisdom in Scripture that will help them influence every area of society and harvest souls for God’s kingdom.

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  • Deliverance And Spiritual Warfare Manual


    Everything you need to know about deliverance and spiritual warfare in one complete manual.

    This powerful guide gives readers the tools they need to pinpoint the issues they are facing so they can confront the enemy head-on. They will in turn be able to see their loved ones and families set free as they go to war of their behalf. An invaluable resource for anyone who wants to destroy the works of the enemy, this book gives information on spiritual warfare basics and strategies, including:
    *Fasting, prayer and intercession
    *The ministry of deliverance
    *Prayers for self-deliverance
    *Destroying stubborn demons and strongholds

    Bringing much needed light to expose the works of darkness, this book also provides specific prayers and names of demons, spirits, strongholds, and manifestations, and it provides biblical tactics for defeating them so readers can see their lives return to the place that God designed.

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  • Do Not Leave Quietly


    You were raised up for this moment to speak on behalf of Heaven.

    The battle is raging. Two realms are seeking to influence the natural world – light or darkness. There is no middle ground. Depending on how you participate and show up in life, either Heaven or Hell will advance its agenda into the Earth. The invisible world, by and large, does not simply manifest its objectives and agendas. It seeks a person and requires a voice.

    The choice is yours: will you be a voice for Heaven to advance in the Earth… or an idle endorser of Hell’s agenda to steal, kill and destroy?

    Mario Murillo is a bestselling author, popular blogger, and minister of the Gospel. He has been an evangelist for nearly 50 years. As culture has changed, Murillo’s message has remained fixed and steadfast. As culture shifts again, God is looking to raise up an army of prophetic people whose voices have impact and actually shape the direction of their nations.

    Do Not Leave Quietly is a prophetic call to action for every single reader to:
    *To fulfill your destiny, live with purpose and feel significant.
    *Give your life and voice to speaking what the Spirit of God is saying.
    *Activating the key to seeing signs and wonders flow.
    *Discover the secret to prophesying with power and holy thunder.
    *Enter the doorway to releasing deliverance.

    It’s time for the people of God to break the silence. It’s time for those who carry the Word of God to boldly speak forth in love and truth. You were born to be a voice of breakthrough!

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  • End Time Events (Expanded)


    Time Is Running Out! The Earth Lease Is About To Expire!

    Could this be the end of the world as we know it? In the midst of cataclysmic natural disasters and great moral decay, God is unveiling new revelation from the Scriptures to prepare this generation for the most traumatic change on the earth in six thousand years!

    In this revealing and prophetic look at God’s Word, bestselling author Charles Capps opens the Scriptures surrounding the end of the age. Pinpointing God’s plan for the events that will end this world as we know it, this exciting book brings to light types and scriptural composites which God has hidden in the Bible for this generation!

    This careful study of end-time events offers clear answers to question such as:
    * When will this age end?
    * When will the Antichrist be revealed?
    * Will God protect His people or deliver them from the seven years of Tribulation?
    * What Bible keys reveal the end of the church age?
    * What is the Solomon Concept and how does it reveal future events?
    * Do biblical numbers unveil end-time revelation?
    * And many others!

    Don’t be left in the dark concerning the twenty-first century and the events that will close out this age, thrusting the inhabitants of planet earth into the last millennium before eternity!

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  • Exceedingly Growing Faith


    1. How Faith Comes
    2. Now Faith Is
    3. The Heart Of Man
    4. What It Means To Believe With The Heart
    5. How To Train The Human Spirit
    6. How To Write Your Own Ticket With God
    7. The God–Kind Of Faith

    Additional Info
    Build a solid foundation for your faith through this collection of some of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin’s best-loved sermons!

    This classic volume contains basics vital to understanding the faith life. Topics include: “How Faith Comes”; “Now Faith Is”; “What It Means To Believe With the Heart”; “How to Train the Human Spirit”; and “The God–Kind of Faith.”

    Exceedingly Growing Faith is relevant to every believer’s faith life because growth in faith principles comes from understanding and acting upon the important concepts collected here. For example, we feed upon God’s Word; then we exercise our faith by acting on God’s Word.

    Rev. Hagin comments, “As faith grows, Satan’s dominion over us wanes. Circumstances become less formidable and fear is destroyed.”

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  • Expect The Extraordinary


    Using real-life stories of miracle after miracle, Jerry removes the pressure to achieve and encourages placing your destiny in the hands of a capable God. Learn to view your life as God sees it, as one only possible through Him. Take a bold step in achieving your destiny. Discover the life that God desires for you and being to expect the extraordinary.

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  • Final Quest Trilogy


    What if a single revelation could change your destiny in a moment? In this riveting bestselling series, author Rick Joyner takes you on the supernatural journey that has captivated millions. This is more real than an allegory. The Final Quest Trilogy is a panoramic vision of the epic struggle between light and darkness, and your part in it.

    As the series unfolds, you can join in the great battle, encounter angels and demons, apostles and prophets, and the heavenly realm itself. This Trilogy is about the greatest adventure-to serve the greatest King and to stand for His truth with courage. This is not for the timid, but for the bold who care.

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  • Gift Of Prophetic Encouragement


    Full of powerful testimonies and practical application, this book helps you break out of your comfort zone and embrace a lifestyle of encouraging others–just as Jesus did. Learn how to deepen your relationship with God, open a direct line of communication with him, share his words with others, and change the atmosphere and lives of others everywhere you go.

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  • God Is Good Updated Edition


    In a world of fear, disease, crisis, torment, uncertainty, and hopelessness, what you believe about God’s goodness reveals how you will respond to the trials and circumstances of everyday life. Your view of God impacts everything!

    Respected pastor and bestselling author, Bill Johnson presents a new groundbreaking series that calls believers to build their lives on one unshakeable foundation: the assurance that God is good.

    Learn how to:

    clearly discern the difference between the will of God and the enemy’s plans.
    confidently pray for breakthrough, believe for miracles, and have faith for God to move, no matter what comes against you.
    find rest in God’s unchanging character and embrace the value of mystery… even when prayers aren’t immediately answered.
    discover God’s goodness in both Old and New Testaments.
    encounter Jesus Christ as perfect theology-the One Who reveals a good Father.
    partner with Heaven to release supernatural solutions to a world in chaos.

    Build your life on the solid foundation of God’s goodness and experience new realms of supernatural thinking that bring Heaven to Earth, changing the atmosphere around you!

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  • God Still Speaks


    Known for his authoritative, dynamic style, best-selling author of Prayers That Rout Demons John Eckhardt combines instructive, narrative teaching about the role and power of the prophetic in the lives of believers today with succinct, dynamic power truths that will impact readers lives.

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  • Gods Creative Power For Finances


    Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They can defeat you or they can bring you life. They can make the difference in your finances and your well-being. God created the universe by speaking it into existence and He has given you that same ability. Learn to turn your financial situation around by following the powerful principles of faith contained in this book.

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  • Happy Intercessor


    As we dive into the Father s heart we are overwhelmed by His presence, the fullness of joy. From this place we begin to see from His perspective. As we see and understand His world we are compelled to intercede.We are now praying and speaking with fresh insight. We see that we no longer have to pray from a place of defense. Instead we pray offensive prayers from His presence. When we speak our petitions and most important our declarations into the atmosphere, authority and breakthrough come. From the intimate place with our Father everything is birthed.

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  • Hidden Treasures : Abundant Living In The Riches Of Proverbs


    A deeply inspiring and practical book containing brief and easy-to read reflections revealing key life principles of Scripture.

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  • How To Forgive Ourselves Totally


    After the release of the best-selling Total Forgiveness, the most common question that readers had for author R. T. Kendall was, “How do I forgive myself?” In this follow-up book, Kendall dives deep into the subject to give readers the tools they need to put the past behind them.

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  • I Believe In Visions


    1. How God Raised Me From A Deathbed
    2. Come Up Hither
    3. If – The Badge Of Doubt
    4. How Satan Influences Lives Today
    5. I Have Come To Answer Your Prayer
    6. The Angel’s Visit
    7. A Hospital Visitor
    8. The River Of Praise
    9. The Angel’s Message

    Additional Info
    “. . . I heard footsteps coming down the corridor toward my [hospital] room. I looked toward the door to see who it was, because it was only 6:30 – too early for visitors. Someone dressed in white came through the door and at first I supposed it was a nurse.
    “As I looked closer, I saw it was Jesus! It seemed as if my hair stood on end. Cold chill bumps popped out all over my body, and I couldn’t say a word.
    “Jesus approached my bed and sat down on a chair. He was robed in white and had some sort of sandals on.”
    This is how Kenneth E. Hagin describes the beginning of his sixth major vision of Jesus Christ – an encounter in 1959 that lasted nearly an hour and a half Rev. Hagin describes in fascinating detail all of his major visions of Jesus in the book I Believe in Visions. These visions have dramatically influenced Rev. Hagin’s more than sixty years of ministry.

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  • If You Were God Would You Choose You (Revised)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780972545495ISBN10: 0972545492Rick RennerBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 2007Publisher: Harrison House Publishers

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  • In Him


    IN HIM

    A spiritual law too few of us realize is: Our confession rule us. Find out what God’s word says about you and make that your confession.

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  • Joseph Blessing : Change The World With Your God Given Dream


    Step into God’s divine blessing and fulfill your dreams!

    Are you ready to see your dreams go from vision to fulfillment? To see God’s promised blessings revealed in your life? Join Jordan Rubin and Dr. Pete Sulack as you discover how Joseph endured incredible opposition and persecution, only to be elevated to a key position of influence and watch his dream come to pass before his very eyes.

    You’ll unlock the powerful secrets that will take your dreams from birth to fulfillment. In this easy-to-follow process, you will learn how to protect your dream during seasons of adversity, resurrect vision when you believe it is dead, have hope even when you feele like your dream is impossible, and watch God miraculously fulfill your life purpose through your God-given dreams.

    Experience The Joseph Blessing in your life today!

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  • Know Your Enemy (Reprinted)


    When trouble arises, the most natural thing to do is place the blame on someone or something. Sadly, the No. 1 deception in the Church today is that problems, trials, and temptations are sent by God to teach us. Many Christians have been falsely accusing God of
    being the cause of their troubles.

    Unveil the truth! Discover scriptural evidence that will – once and for all – reveal the true source of your trouble and enable you to Know Your Enemy!

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  • Marriage Divorce And Remarriage


    Bringing clarity and understanding to common misconceptions about this subject, the author offers comfort and help from the Word of God on issues related to marriage, divorce, and remarriage.

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  • Mind Of God


    Two realities are evident in today’s broken world: our culture is in desperate need, and our God is a miracle-working God. How do believers answer the world’s cries for help in a way that reflects God’s heart of compassion?

    According to bestselling author Bill Johnson, we simply embrace two additional realities: God’s wisdom and his power. With biblical insight and extensive experience of seeing God’s hand at work, Johnson offers keys to helping believers have the greatest impact on society. When we understand the long-term strategy of God’s wisdom and the immediacy of his miracle-working power, we can have eternal impact and live with significance in the here and now, whether in our own lives and communities or in the farthest reaches of the world.

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  • Name Of Jesus


    From the author of The Believer’s Authority: Legacy Edition and How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God: Legacy Edition comes the third release in this life-changing series: The Name of Jesus: Legacy Edition. First published in 1979, this landmark by Kenneth E. Hagin has dramatically impacted Christians everywhere. Now back in print after more than 15 years, this legacy edition contains new truths Rev. Hagin taught on the Name of Jesus after the book’s intial writing.

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  • New Birth


    This best-selling minibook explains fully what being BORN AGAIN means.

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  • New Era Of Glory


    Positioned for victory, prepared for glory!

    In this historic hour, God is raising up a company of believers to serve as a divine intersection between Heaven and Earth. All of the Spirit’s previous outpourings and anointings are being united and activated at the same time-in our time!

    Bestselling author, Tim Sheets presents a powerful, prophetic message. This powerful message will position you for victorious, Kingdom-advancing warfare, and prepared you to walk in the glory that is your inheritance.

    Get ready for the Great Convergence as all past moves of God are joined into one mighty river of glory to be released through you.Arm yourself for battle as you start reclaiming the areas of your life, family, and society that the devil has infiltrated.

    Receive accelerated answers to prayer by breaking the spirit of delay.

    Speak forth anointed decrees and declarations to access Holy Spirit encounters, victorious spiritual warfare, and more!

    Get ready. This timely word will position you for victorious, Kingdom-advancing warfare, and prepared you to walk in the glory that is your inheritance. We are stepping into an hour where every past move of God’s Spirit is converging, finding fullness and fulfillment. Learn how to come into alignment with this epoch moment and witness Kingdom victory, advancement, and outpouring like never before!

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  • Physics Of Heaven


    Some of the most influential and prophetic voices of the Spirit-empowered movement have joined together to help you start hearing the sounds of heaven and discover how natural elements-sound, light, energy, vibration and even quantum physics-are supernaturally bringing Heaven to Earth.

    Featuring contributions from Bill and Beni Johnson, Larry Randolph, Jonathan Welton, Bob Jones, Cal Pierce, David Van Koevering, and Ray Hughes, The Physics of Heaven features revelatory segments such as:
    *Recovering Spiritual Inheritance
    *Sound of Heaven
    *Angelic Encounters
    *Quantum Mysticism
    *Authentic versus Counterfeit

    Unlock Heaven’s healing energy, tap into the frequency of God’s Kingdom, and access a new realm of divine encounters today!

    “If you are tired of being a settler, existing on the shores of tradition and riskless living, this book is for you. But beware, because once you get a taste of these authors’ insights into light, sound, vibration and quantum physics and you discover how God has written His personal story into creation, you are destined to see the Almighty all around you.”

    – from the foreword by Kris Vallotton

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  • Point Of No Return


    Adventure beyond anything you’ve ever imagined awaits you! You’ve reached a crossroads in your life, and you know it. If you’re ever going to step out and obey what God is asking you to do, it’s now or never. Your heart calls for you to reach for the adventure of a lifetime. It’s scary to do something you’ve never done, but that’s exactly what it’ll take for you to accomplish more than you’ve already done. The unknown and its risks may seem daunting, but the alternative of remaining trapped in mediocrity because you refused to try is an unbearable thought. Yet you can’t help but wonder, What should I do now? In his classic and updated message, The Point of No Return, Rick Renner presents a clear, no-nonsense approach to help you prepare for and carry out each new assignment God gives you in pursuit of His purpose for your life. God’s grace is sufficient, and His wisdom will instruct and equip you to do His will. Are you willing to trust Him by stepping out to cross your own personal point of no return?

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  • Power Of Communion


    Miracles wait at the communion table

    For centuries, the church has observed the Lord’s Supper as part of corporate worship, instituted by Jesus Himself. But for many Christians today, this tradition can be a confusing ritual. Are we missing something in this ancient sacrament?

    Beni and Bill Johnson-bestselling authors and senior leaders of Bethel Church in Redding, CA-had a miraculous revelation while celebrating communion. In The Power of Communion, they reveal how this sacred practice is an often overlooked opportunity to release God’s power in your life!

    Don’t settle for a lifeless routine. God is supernaturally present in the sacrament of Communion! Learn to embrace this prophetic act of remembrance, worship, warfare, and healing as it was always meant to be!

    Discover practical keys for…
    *Healing: release the healing testimony of Jesus’ blood and body over sickness.
    *Deliverance: announce the eternal victory of Jesus over torment, addiction and bondage.
    *Warfare: shift spiritual atmospheres over you, your family and even world events.
    *Presence: experience new dimensions of God’s glory as you apply Jesus’ victory over your life.

    There are miracles just waiting to be released that Jesus’ atonement already paid for! Discover The Power of Communion today!

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  • Prayers That Activate Blessings


    Are you frustrated with your life? Are you struggling to find breakthrough and feeling like you are just spinning your wheels? Well, struggle no more! In Prayers That Activate Blessing, John Eckhardt will teach you how to move from mediocrity into the supernatural favor of God and from curse to blessing. The key is asking. You can ask God to bless you just like Jabez did. God heard his prayer and granted his request. Filled with prayers for healing, deliverance, favor, and the blessing of God, this book is a resource for learning how to walk in covenant blessing and the blessing of obedience, how to hear the voice of God and be blessed, and the different ways to access His blessing.

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  • Prayers That Break Curses


    Is your life marked by constant setbacks? Does it seem like you can’t ever obtain God’s blessing? You could be living under a curse. Eckhardt identifies areas of our lives where Satan can attack and attach evil to us; then offers biblically based declarations and sentence prayers that will help break the power of the enemy.

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  • Prayers That Bring Healing


    Author and apostolic minister Eckhardt believes that it’s God’s will for you to live a full, healthy, disease-free life. Here he reveals 12 scriptural ways healing takes place, including laying on of hands, deliverance, breaking curses, and anointing with oil; and offers biblically based declarations and prayers to use in each situation.

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  • Prayers That Bring Healing And Activate Blessings


    Learn to live a disease-free life and attain supernatural favor with God with this 2-in-1 edition of Eckhardt’s best-selling books! Filled with powerful Scripture-based prayers and promises, this reference tool includes 12 scriptural ways healing takes place and 10 biblical blessings that are yours for the asking.

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  • Prayers That Rout Demons


    This easy-to-use guide to prayer will help readers overcome demonic influence and oppression in their lives. Readers will be inspired and empowered as they learn:
    *The basics of spiritual warfare
    *Biblical principles for praying
    *Powerful warfare prayers and decrees taken from Scripture
    *Specific declarative prayers for every circumstance

    John Edkhardt is gifted with a strong apostolic call and is world renown for his teaching on deliverance and spiritual warfare.

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  • Prophetic Advantage : Be Gods Mouthpiece Transform Your World


    What is the role of the prophetic for the next generation?

    Michelle McClain presents a thorough look at the role of the prophetic in today’s world. She deals with the issues of prophetic operation and balance, revealing that the primary purpose of prophecy is to cause the image of God to be formed in mankind.

    This book will help the reader to understand the power of prophecy to help us understand what God is doing in this current age, and will clearly outline the function and focus that prophets should exhibit. Readers will understand clearly the biblical mandates and mission of the prophetic and will discover the one hundred advantages to any person who receives a revelation from God through the voice of the prophetic.

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  • Raising Powerful Children


    Raise up Kingdom Kids who operate in signs, wonders, and miracles!

    “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Jesus

    Imagine a generation of children that is empowered, confident, and victorious – children who know God for themselves, who live differently than the world, and who move in the Supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.

    Bethel Church’s children’s minister, Amy Gagnon has a passion to help children make authentic, supernatural connections with Jesus. In Raising Powerful Children, she elevates the standard for what it means to train kids up in the “way they should go” by empowering parents and teachers to establish a Kingdom culture among children of all ages.

    Rather than seeing children’s ministry merely as “babysitting,” Amy equips parents and teachers to raise up a generation of kids who walk in the fullness of their Kingdom identity.
    Raising Powerful Children provides insight and activations to implement at home or in ministry.

    Discover how to…
    *Empower kids to develop their own powerful prayer lives
    *Train children in the prophetic
    *Equip kids to minister supernatural healing
    *Create space for children to encounter God
    *Foster an environment of interactive worship
    *Develop a love for the Bible
    *Teach kids to decree and declare truth over their circumstances

    Start today! Raise your children up to live as Children of the King, accessing all their Heavenly Father has to offer!

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  • Rejoice Into Joy


    “Rejoice in the Lord always.”

    It’s a simple command that holds the key to experiencing deep and abiding joy through every circumstance.

    Bestselling author and senior leader of Bethel Church, Bill Johnson is known for his teaching on how to experience Heavenly realities in everyday life. In this timely work, he addresses the often-overlooked connection between the experience of joy and the act of rejoicing.

    Pastor Bill teaches that joy is not merely an emotion. It is a posture of the heart, arrived at by consistently choosing to rejoice in the present reality of our Heavenly home, regardless of earthly circumstances.

    Written in short chapters, ideal for daily devotions or thoughtful meditations, Rejoice Into Joy will reveal how to…
    *Enter the fullness of joy through praise and worship.
    *Disarm hell with the power of thanksgiving.
    *Apply the supernatural “math of joy” to trials by “counting it all joy”.

    In whatever circumstance you’re in, choose to rejoice your way into joy, and discover the joy of the Lord as your strength.

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  • Resting Place : Living Immersed In The Presence Of God


    Become a Resting Place for God’s Presence and Power!

    The key to walking in the supernatural power of the Spirit is positioning yourself as The Resting Place for God!

    We are familiar with the indwelling Holy Spirit-the One who lives within the hearts of every believer. While this is an incredible truth, the fullness of this reality is greater than we can imagine!

    Bestselling author and internationally respected pastor Bill Johnson shares the key to living a supernatural lifestyle: welcoming God’s Spirit to abide with you.
    *Learn the difference between the Spirit’s presence within you, and His resting upon you.
    *Experience the multiple dimensions of God’s Presence revealed in Scripture.
    *Uncover the secrets to Holy Spirit saturation, practiced by many revival leaders, including Kathryn Kuhlman and John G. Lake.
    *Discover keys to protecting the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

    The Holy Spirit is looking for a people upon whom His presence can rest. The invitation is extended to you-how will you respond?

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  • Rivers Of Revival


    Since the Day of Pentecost, seasons of revival and awakening have brought refreshing to the spiritually dry, life to the spiritually dead, and miraculous encounters with the Holy Spirit.

    In this timely and prophetic volume, two bestselling generals of the faith, Dr. Elmer Towns and Dr. Neil T. Anderson, offer collective wisdom, insight, and strategy on how you can experience and release a river of Holy Spirit outpouring into your world!

    Additionally, Drs. Towns and Anderson have compiled contributions from other key authorities on revival who have encountered the move of God firsthand. Each contributor provides practical wisdom on how you can experience the Spirit’s touch in your own life, church and even geographical region.

    Featuring powerful teaching from a diverse range of revival leaders, including:
    *Jack Hayford: How worship releases the reviving touch of the Spirit.
    *Ed Silvoso: How to bless the unsaved and prepare them for God encounters.
    *R.A. Torrey: How to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
    *John Dawson: How to break agreement with generational sin.
    *C. Peter Wagner & George Otis Jr.: How to win battles in the heavenly realm over regions and cities.
    *Billy Graham: How proclamation of the Gospel releases the revival power of God.
    *Henry Blackaby: How cultivating a lifestyle of daily encounters with God brings revival.

    A fresh move of God is on the way. Prepare yourself to experience Holy Spirit outpouring like never before!

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  • Scriptures For Faith Deliverance And Healing


    Hitting right in the center of every Spirit-filled believer’s interests, this book by best-selling author John Eckhardt is a handy reference tool for those who want to have a greater understanding of healing and deliverance to incorporate God’s Word into their prayers.

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  • Seedtime And Harvest


    Seedtime and harvest is God’s method for bringing forth His Kingdom into our lives. Everything produces after its kind. If you give love, you will reap love.

    Plant Your Seed!

    This is something you can do. Jesus said that you are the one planting the seed. God’s Word is incorruptible seed, and God’s promises are seeds for harvest. In this book you will learn that as you speak God’s promises out of your mouth as a seed, it goes into your heart to grow and produce a harvest of blessing.

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  • Sensitivity Of The Spirit


    We must learn the difference between being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and being aware of the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit! Drawing on the story of Mary and Joseph moving ahead of Jesus, Dr. Kendall explains how easy it is for us to make assumptions in the natural and run on ahead of the Holy Spirit. When you find yourself ahead of God’s timing and moving forward with your own personal plans, you must stop and go back! You can find the road back from anywhere, and that road is called repentence! It points you in the direction of peace!

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  • Set My Heart On Fire


    Set My Heart on Fire will help readers to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, walk confidently in boldness, and break free from life-controlling bondage, habits, and generational tendencies.

    It is essential to remain in a state of spiritual intimacy and walk closely with God despite the many worldly distractions. This book will remind readers that the key to doing so is to nourish a close relationship with the Holy Spirit.

    This powerful teaching covers topics such as:
    *Seven roles of the Holy Spirit
    *Benefits of a prayer language
    *Why you need boldness
    *Learning to minister in the Spirit
    *Staying on fire in the dry seasons

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  • Shattering Your Strongholds (Revised)


    “Shattering Your Strongholds is a book that is born out of the author’s personal desire to live the ‘full’ life that is offered by our Lord. We do not have to live a life enslaved by the entanglements of Satan. There is freedom available for all.

    Shattering Your Strongholds can change your life. Take the walk with Liberty Savard and you, too, can rise to a higher level of ‘joy-filled living.'” (Ron Shaw, National Director, Reinhard Bonnke Ministries.

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  • Simplicity Of Healing


    The Simple Key to Your Healing Breakthrough!

    God’s Word is the key that unlocks the door for you to step into freedom from disease and step into that abundant life which Jesus provided for us.

    By the power of God’s Word, you can conquer anything and everything the enemy sends your way and continue to conquer all the days of your life! – Dr. Sandra Kennedy

    Receiving your healing was never meant to be a complicated process; it should be as simple as putting God’s Word into practice in your life

    !In Dr. Sandra Kennedy’s groundbreaking book, The Simplicity of Healing, you will receive teaching on how to practically activate God’s Word and experience God’s healing power in every area of your life that’s hurting: physical health, emotions, finances, relationships, and more!

    Also, you’ll be encouraged by Dr. Kennedy’s personal healing testimony and receive a list of Scriptures that you can pray and confess to receive your healing breakthrough.

    Learn how God’s Word is your secret to:
    *Building an unshakeable faith in God’s power
    *Releasing your faith through confession and declaration
    *Activating the multiplied power of agreement
    *Rising above the circumstances coming against you
    *Persevering for breakthrough by protecting your focus

    God’s Word holds the key to your healing and wholeness.

    Learn how to release its miracle power over every area of your life that’s hurting!

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  • Spiritual Intelligence : The Art Of Thinking Like God


    Two quotients analyze our minds and emotions: I.Q. and E.Q. But Kris Vallotton believes we are ignoring a deeper dimension–spiritual intelligence. Because believers have the mind of Christ through the Holy Spirit, we have the capacity for brilliance. God invites us to embark on a journey of discovery as he reveals mysteries and helps us bring our perspective in line with his–transforming our understanding and endowing us with spiritual intelligence.

    In this eye-opening new release, pastor and bestselling author Kris Vallotton says that God invites us to think like him. He answers questions such as:
    – What are the five dimensions of spiritual intelligence?
    – How can I build new neural pathways to supernatural thinking?
    – How do I recognize my sphere of influence and the borders of my divine assignment?
    – And much more!

    As you listen to the Holy Spirit and realize what it means to have the mind of Christ, you have the capacity for life-transforming spiritual intelligence unavailable in any other way.

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  • Supernatural Power Of A Transformed Mind Expanded Edition


    Your Key to Unlocking a Supernatural Lifestyle

    Many Christians believe in miracles, but they are not accessing the supernatural as a normal way of life. Is this you? Are you ready to experience the miraculous lifestyle that Jesus made available to you because of the Cross?

    In Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind, Pastor Bill Johnson delivers powerful and practical teaching, revealing how you were designed to bring heaven to Earth and how it all starts with your thought life.

    You will learn how to:

    * Enjoy complete forgiveness from sin and let go of guilt
    * Access the open heaven over your life and start living as God’s dwelling place
    * Position yourself for future breakthrough by studying and remembering God’s miracles

    Your access to a lifestyle of signs, wonders, and miracles starts by changing the way you think.

    When your mind is transformed, heaven becomes more than a place you go to one day-becomes the supernatural power that you release wherever you go today!

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  • Tongue : A Creative Force


    Words Are The Most Powerful Things in the Universe!

    The words you speak will either put you over in life or hold you in bondage. Many people have been held captive in their circumstances by their own words. The absence of God’s Word in your life will rob you of faith in His ability.

    Receive From God!
    Put yourself in a position to receive God’s best for you by speaking His Word. God’s creative power is still just as it was in the beginning of time when He stood there and said, “Light-be,” and light was. His Word spoken from your mouth and conceived in your heart becomes a spiritual force releasing His ability within you.

    Creative Power In You!
    Man was created in the image of God and His likeness. Learn to speak His faith-filled words to your situation and see your life transformed. Allow God’s creative power to flow from you.

    “I have told My people they can have what they say, but My people are saying what they have.”

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