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  • 20 20 Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Christine Caine is passionate about seeing every woman equipped to live her life on mission for Jesus.

    In this 7-session study, you’ll develop a new understanding of how God sees you and has chosen you to help make Jesus’ name known on this planet. Through biblical teaching and lessons from her own life, Christine will challenge you to share the story of how God’s love has transformed your life right where you are.

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  • 3 Mile Walk Study Guide With DVD (Student/Study Guide)


    In this five-session video Bible study, pastor and author Banning Liebscher draws on the story of Jonathan and his armor-bearer (told in 1 Samuel 14) to show how their three-mile journey carries a profound metaphor for believers today. Although the men were embroiled in a seemingly losing battle with the Philistines, they had the courage to take the fight to their enemy and believe God would back them up. To do so, they had to traverse a treacherous three-mile canyon between the two army camps before they could step into the battle and see God bring about the victory that had seemed impossible.

    Like the army of Israel, many believers in the church today are “camped out” and not engaging the call of God on their lives. However, God is awakening dreamers like Jonathan and his armor-bearer-men and women who are discontented with the idea of staying passive about the problems they see or disconnected from the desires stirring in their hearts. The courage of these dreamers reminds us that God calls us to be like Jesus-to overcome evil with good, do the impossible, and see His kingdom come in the earth. The question before us is whether we will open our hearts to dream with God, become possessed with the same divine discontentment, and engage in pursuing our call with a true “yes”-a “yes” that says, “I take full ownership of this calling, and I refuse to settle for anything less than fulfilling it.”

    Once we decide to engage our calling, we have a journey ahead of us. The three miles of Jonathan’s journey to the enemy’s camp represent the three key areas of character transformation that are required to fulfill our calling: holiness, courage, and faith. In this study, Banning brings both fresh and timeless insight and practical instruction for growing in each of these areas.

    This pack contains one study guide and one DVD.

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  • Armor Of God Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you – unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny. But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

    The Enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory. (7 Sessions)


    Bible Study Book includes 6 weeks of homework that can be completed between 7 group sessions
    Includes leader helps and perforated prayer cards that can be used to develop a prayer strategy
    Leader material (guides to questions and discussion with small group)


    Equip women to get serious, specific, and strategic in their discipline of prayer
    Turn challenges and discouragement into opportunities for prayer
    Grow spiritually as you dig deeper into Scripture and expand your understanding of prayer
    Develop and implement practical, purposeful prayer strategies
    Appropriate for new or inexperienced Bible study students as well as those well-versed in Scriptures
    Leaders can be assured of a trusted teacher in every group
    Opportunity for multiple leaders or facilitators

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  • Awe Of God Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    What if you were told of a hidden virtue that is the key to all of life? It unlocks the purpose of your existence and attracts the presence, protection, and providence of your Creator. It is the root of all noble character, the foundation of all happiness, and provides the needed adjustments to all inharmonious circumstances you may face. To firmly embrace this virtue will lengthen your life, procure you good health, ensure success and safety, eliminate lack, and guarantee a noble legacy.

    If presented with these statements, most would sneer and say no such virtue exists. Yet every promise above was written by one of the wisest men to ever live. Even more astounding, he wrote these words under the inspiration of our Creator. However, prior to his departure from this life, he fell from the bliss he scribed. He became wise in his own eyes and deemed it no longer necessary to heed the wisdom of this virtue. He lost his way and eventually fell to the depths of a bitter cynic. Life became meaningless to him.

    The good news is that this man’s story doesn’t end in the depths of despondency. He eventually returned to life’s most important virtue. We don’t know how many months or even years he spent writing his dismal book, but his final chapter gives a glimpse into his recovery. He begins by writing seven times in one form or another, “Remember your Creator,” with his final words being: “Here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” (Ecclesiastes 12:13 NIV).

    King Solomon, the author of these words, didn’t fully realize the value of godly fear, even though he taught it under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit! Prior to his fall, godly fear wasn’t his treasure, or his delight; it wasn’t an immovable foundation for his motives and actions. It was only after stumbling, experiencing folly, and finally recovering that he more fully grasped the magnitude of its power.

    In The Awe of God, bestselling author and pastor John Bevere reveals how embracing godly fear empowers us to remain under submission to God’s truth and, in so doing, keeps us on the path of life. He explores more than forty distinct promises in Scripture that are given to those who embrace this virtue–rewards such as holiness, wisdom, eternal legacy, confidence, fearlessness, happiness, and security. And he shows how learning to approach God in this entirely new way–through holy fear–allows us to discover a deeper relationship wi

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  • Becoming A King Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    God’s original intention for humankind was to empower and entrust them with ruling over his creation (see Genesis 2:19-20). However, the story of most men is that being entrusted with power has led to them bringing harm to themselves and those under their care. When we look at the source of the problem, we find the issue is within our souls-we are in need of excavation and reconstruction. Jesus offers to meet us in the heart of our need and promises a way forward into fullness of life. Yet so often we are unsure about the way in. We see the invitation but have lost the map.

    In Becoming a King, Morgan Snyder describes how as a young man serving alongside John Eldredge, he relentlessly engaged these deep questions of how to use power and grow as a leader. Over the course of two years, he sought counsel from the most respected men that he could find in the organization’s growing network of influence. As he distilled these men’s counsel, the outline of the path he was seeking emerged . . . an ancient path that generations of saints throughout human history have traveled before.

    As Morgan explains, this is a map for the journey of inner transformation. It is an invitation into a radical reconstruction of much of what we have come to believe about God, ourselves, and the meaning of life. Traveling the path isn’t cheap, easy, or quick. Few find it. Even fewer choose to stay the course, fight the good fight, win the race, and keep the faith. But it is this heroic journey that leads to life-real life.

    Since the publishing of Wild at Heart nearly two decades ago, there has been a slow and steady groundswell of masculine restoration. This study represents both the fruit of that work and the next steps to take men deeper into the more that is being offered . . . walking them through what it is to live deeply rooted and to be powerful God’s way.Designed for use with the Becoming a King Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Circle Maker Student Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    Pray Circles Around Your Greatest Dreams and Biggest Fears

    Prayer can sometimes be a frightening thing-how do you approach the maker of the world, and what exactly can you pray for? In this student adaptation of The Circle Maker, Pastor Mark Batterson uses the true legend of Honi the circle maker, a first-century Jewish sage whose bold prayer saved a generation, to uncover the boldness God asks of us at times, and what powerful prayer can mean in your life. Drawing inspiration from his own experiences as a circle maker, as well as sharing stories of young people who have experienced God’s blessings, Batterson explores how you can approach God in a new way by drawing prayer circles around your dreams, your problems, and, most importantly, God’s promises. In the process, you’ll discover this simple yet life-changing truth:   God honors bold prayers; bold prayers honor God. And you’re never too young for God to use you for amazing things.

    Updated with discussion questions that tie to the Circle Maker video curriculum.

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  • Cold Case Christianity Participants Guide


    This fully-illustrated, eight-session guide takes participants through ten important principles employed by detectives, applying these techniques to the New Testament Gospel accounts.

    Designed to work seamlessly with the original book and DVD, this guide is accessible and engaging for participants and leaders alike. It includes questions for reflection, notes for discussion, and examples to help users investigate the claims of Christianity using the skills of a cold-case detective. Participants will grow in certainty and unite in confidence as they learn how to defend the truth through this unique investigative experience.

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  • Defined Teen Girls And Young Women Bible Study Bible (Student/Study Guide)


    Who Are You?

    I am who God says I am.
    I can do what God says I can do.
    I can become exactly what God says I can become.

    You are a miracle. And that’s exactly what this study is about–your true identity. Who you really are. The culture will try to define you, your past may try to label you, the enemy will seek to deceive you, but no one has the authority to give you your name–your identity–except your Father. And He says that your uniqueness is an expression of His creative genius and is designed to reflect His glory.

    Join Priscilla for eight weeks and begin to understand what it means to be created in God’s image and recreated in Christ’s image as His masterpiece. Once you discover who God says you are and the spiritual inheritance that you have, you can start walking in your true identity as a daughter of the most high King.

    You’ll spend your whole life either trying to be and become something you were never meant to be, or discovering who you are in Him and living up to that standard by the power of His Spirit within you.

    You are His!

    And you were created for the purpose of reflecting God’s light to the world.

    Like all of God’s miracles, your life will leave a lasting impact if you’ll simply be yourself, surrendered to God, molded by His Spirit, and on mission for Him.

    Defined Teen Girls’ Bible Study Book includes content for eight sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use this Study,” tips for leading a group, and a leader guide.

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  • Defined Teen Guys And Young Men Bible Study Bible (Student/Study Guide)


    Who Are You?

    When you introduce yourself to someone for the first time, you may start with your name, where you go to school, a sport or instrument you play, or your future plans. Each of those may help our culture define us, but are they enough? There are bigger questions culture can’t answer: “Who am I?” and “Why do I matter?” But first, you must answer, “Who is God?”

    Scripture teaches that we’re all made in the image of God. We don’t define ourselves-the Creator does. Once you begin to understand who God is and what it means to be created in His image, you’ll begin to discover all God has called you to be. This Bible study will examine spiritual truths from the Book of Ephesians to lead you into a closer relationship with God and a better understanding and appreciation of your God-given identity-which is fulfilled in Christ.

    Defined Teen Guys’ Bible Study Book includes content for eight sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use this Study,” tips for leading a group, and a leader guide.

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  • Emotionally Healthy Relationships Workbook (Workbook)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780310081890ISBN10: 0310081890Peter Scazzero | Geri ScazzeroBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2017Publisher: HarperChristian Resources

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  • Follow Me Teen Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781415878262ISBN10: 1415878269David PlattBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2013Publisher: LifeWay Christian Resources

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  • Get Out Of Your Head Conversation Card Deck


    Sometimes we are content being good, and yet our insides are in complete disarray–but because no one knows it, we assume we are okay. This work we are going to do through our study of the book of Philippians might be the most important thing we’ve ever done. But we don’t do it merely as another self-improvement project.

    The Bible knows nothing of a connected regenerate person, filled with the Spirit, whose goal is to just survive.

    Our faith journey here on Earth is not meant to be summed up to a behavior modification. Our journey should be a radical departure from the world and how it thinks. Our journey should represent a supernatural intervention remaking us into whom God built us to be.

    We want to be women who set our minds on Christ, better yet realizing we have already been given the mind of Christ and therefore, we are deeply and intrinsically motivated and moved by an entirely different source. Not only do we make Jesus happy, but we find our complete happiness in Him. These are truths that if we could only believe, would change everything. It is possible to waste our lives because we never learn to take our thoughts captive.

    This six-session Bible study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately) dives head first into Paul’s letter to the Philippians, imploring and encouraging them to become entirely new kinds of humans whose minds are set solely on Christ. Bestselling author and Bible teacher, Jennie Allen steps through the book of Philippians with purpose and intention, unpacking the simple, but difficult truth of allowing ourselves and our minds to be transformed in the name of Christ. Jennie confronts our current cultural struggles while relating valid and trusted answers in Scripture that inspire real change from the inside out.

    Each session will include video teaching, group discussion, and personal study time of digging deeper, reflection, consideration, response, imagination, and Scripture memory.

    Designed for use with the Get Out of Your Head Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Get Out Of Your Head Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Have you ever wanted to be an entirely new version of you? Like a character re-do or makeover?

    Have you ever felt like who you are now isn’t all that you were meant to be?

    You’re on to something if you answered yes, and you’re going to be surprised if you aren’t so sure!

    Sometimes we are content being good, and yet our insides are in complete disarray-but because no one knows it, we assume we are okay. This work we are going to do through our study of the book of Philippians might be the most important thing we’ve ever done. But we don’t do it merely as another self-improvement project.

    The Bible knows nothing of a connected regenerate person, filled with the Spirit, whose goal is to just survive.

    Our faith journey here on Earth is not meant to be summed up to a behavior modification. Our journey should be a radical departure from the world and how it thinks. Our journey should represent a supernatural intervention remaking us into whom God built us to be.

    We want to be women who set our minds on Christ, better yet realizing we have already been given the mind of Christ and therefore, we are deeply and intrinsically motivated and moved by an entirely different source. Not only do we make Jesus happy, but we find our complete happiness in Him. These are truths that if we could only believe, would change everything. It is possible to waste our lives because we never learn to take our thoughts captive.

    This six-session Bible study (study guide sold separately) dives head first into Paul’s letter to the Philippians, imploring and encouraging them to become entirely new kinds of humans whose minds are set solely on Christ. Bestselling author and Bible teacher, Jennie Allen steps through the book of Philippians with purpose and intention, unpacking the simple, but difficult truth of allowing ourselves and our minds to be transformed in the name of Christ. Jennie confronts our current cultural struggles while relating valid and trusted answers in Scripture that inspire real change from the inside out.

    Each session will include video teaching, group discussion, and personal study time of digging deeper, reflection, consideration, response, imagination, and Scripture memory.

    Designed for use with the Get Out of Your Head (sold separately, 9780310116370).

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  • Get Out Of Your Head Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Have you ever wanted to be an entirely new version of you? Like a character re-do or makeover?

    Have you ever felt like who you are now isn’t all that you were meant to be?

    You’re on to something if you answered yes, and you’re going to be surprised if you aren’t so sure!

    Sometimes we are content being good, and yet our insides are in complete disarray-but because no one knows it, we assume we are okay. This work we are going to do through our study of the book of Philippians might be the most important thing we’ve ever done. But we don’t do it merely as another self-improvement project.

    The Bible knows nothing of a connected regenerate person, filled with the Spirit, whose goal is to just survive.

    Our faith journey here on Earth is not meant to be summed up to a behavior modification. Our journey should be a radical departure from the world and how it thinks. Our journey should represent a supernatural intervention remaking us into whom God built us to be.

    We want to be women who set our minds on Christ, better yet realizing we have already been given the mind of Christ and therefore, we are deeply and intrinsically motivated and moved by an entirely different source. Not only do we make Jesus happy, but we find our complete happiness in Him. These are truths that if we could only believe, would change everything. It is possible to waste our lives because we never learn to take our thoughts captive.

    This six-session Bible study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately) dives head first into Paul’s letter to the Philippians, imploring and encouraging them to become entirely new kinds of humans whose minds are set solely on Christ. Bestselling author and Bible teacher, Jennie Allen steps through the book of Philippians with purpose and intention, unpacking the simple, but difficult truth of allowing ourselves and our minds to be transformed in the name of Christ. Jennie confronts our current cultural struggles while relating valid and trusted answers in Scripture that inspire real change from the inside out.

    Each session will include video teaching, group discussion, and personal study time of digging deeper, reflection, consideration, response, imagination, and Scripture memory.

    Designed for use with the Get Out of Your Head Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Good Boundaries And Goodbyes Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    Relationships are wonderful . . . until they’re not.

    Have you ever thought, I can’t keep doing this-something has to change? Or, I’ve tried everything to fix this relationship but nothing is working-I fear I’m becoming someone I don’t even like? Or even, I love this person, but this is starting to feel impossible?

    Lysa TerKeurst understands this dance with dysfunction and wants to be your insightful, compassionate friend who will teach you that it isn’t unloving to set a boundary, and it isn’t unchristian to say goodbye. You’ll be relieved to learn that boundaries aren’t just a good idea, they’re a God idea. In this video Bible study, you will discover how to set boundaries you can keep, communicate them, and finally see them working in your life. Good Boundaries and Goodbyes was born out of Lysa’s own personal struggles with boundaries, extensive theological research, and therapeutic experiences that transformed the way she defined and pursued healthy relationships. Lysa is now more committed than ever to loving people well without losing the best of who she is. She wants to help you do the same.
    Designed for use with Good Boundaries and Goodbyes Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Holy Spirit : An Introduction


    The Holy Spirit is often portrayed as something weird. But the Bible makes it clear that the Spirit is not something. He is someone–a Person who has promised to never leave your side. In this interactive book, John Bevere invites you into a personal discovery of the most ignored and misunderstood Person in the Church: the Holy Spirit. Interactive book includes: daily devotions, group discussion questions, and a bonus chapter with answers to some of the toughest questions about the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss this amazing introduction.

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  • Job Bible Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Joy is the constant companion of the woman who trusts in the Lord. And while you can find it in friends, family, and circumstances, unfailing, persistent joy will only ever overflow from your relationship with Jesus.

    Just ask Job, the man from Uz who clung to God’s goodness while all his worldly joys were stripped away.

    But how is it possible to hold onto such joy in times of sorrow?

    In this 7-session study, discover the redemptive facet of Job’s suffering. Learn to view pain as a way to strengthen your faith, point others to the gospel, and trust in the Lord. Because His providence will never take you to a place where His grace will not sustain you.


    –Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
    –Personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions
    –Seven interactive teaching videos, approximately 30-35 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent
    –Moving interviews with Christine Caine, Scott & Tracie Hamilton, Natalie Grant, and more


    –Learn to trust in God’s character.
    –Repair past or current wounds.
    –Realize God welcomes your difficult questions.
    –Let go of complacent Christianity.
    –Pursue joy even in the midst of personal pain.

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  • Love Does Study Guide


    In “Love Does,” a five-session, video-based small group study, you will discover the whimsy of “New York Times” best-selling author Bob Goff through a sometimes humorous, thought-provoking, meaningful lesson that makes faith in God simple and real.

    You will discover the paradigm shifts, musings, and stories from one of the world’s most delightfully engaging and winsome people. What fuels his impact? Love. But it’s not the kind of love that stops at thoughts and feelings. Bob’s love takes action, just like Jesus did. Bob believes “Love Does.”

    When “Love Does,” life gets interesting. Light and fun, unique and profound, the lessons drawn from Bob’s life and attitude just might inspire you to be secretly incredible too.

    This companion study guide is designed for use with “Love Does” A DVD Study and will lead you and your group deeper into the video content (sold separately) with video notes, group discussion questions, and between session personal reflections and actions to enhance the group experience.

    Sessions include:
    1.I’m With You
    2.Not Defined by Our Failures
    3.God’s Audacious Love
    4.The Story
    5.That’s What Love Does

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  • Nehemiah Code Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Who is not in need of a new beginning? Whether it be broken relationships, integrity missteps, or loss, most of us will spend some or much of the next year trying to restore something. The good news is . . . it’s never too late for a new beginning.

    Nehemiah was a civil servant from 2,500 years ago who applied principles found in the Bible for insight during hard times, help to start again, and encouragement to rebuild a life.

    This enabled him to rebuild a broken city wall and, in the process, a lot of broken hopes. He has left us some secrets, a sort of hidden “code” that, if applied to our own experience, can enable us to rebuild broken walls in our own lives. His message to us across the centuries is plain and powerful . . . it is never too late for a new beginning!

    The Nehemiah Code dives into a theme that will resonate deeply with a wide variety of readers-insight during hard times, help to start again, and encouragement to rebuild a life.

    Topics include:
    *Taking personal responsibility
    *Moving out of your comfort zone
    *Rebuilding team spirit
    *Holding those around you accountable
    *Doing what is right
    *Finishing strong

    Designed for use with the Nehemiah Code Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Not A Silent Night (Large Type)


    Large Print Edition. Imagine Jesus from Mary’s point-of-view-proud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person and so much more. In this book, Adam Hamilton begins at the end, with Mary at the crucifixion and r

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  • Quest Older Kids Activity Book (Student/Study Guide)


    The Quest Older Kids Activity Book by best-selling author Beth Moore, contains activities related to each session and daily queries designed to engage kids in using their Bibles, thinking through questions, and journaling. Plus, Parent Pages are included so parents can lead kids on The Quest at home.

    The Quest for Kids: An Expedition Toward a Deeper Relationship with God takes kids in grades 1-6 on a 6-week journey through God’s Word to help them grow closer to God.

    Kids can learn that:
    * God created you to have a relationship with Him.
    * God is sending you on an adventure for Him as an ambassador.
    * God loves to talk with you and wants to use your questions and the events in your life to bring you closer to God.

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  • Quest Younger Kids Activity Book (Student/Study Guide)


    The Quest for Kids Younger Kids Activity Book (Grades 103) contains an activity sheet and daily questions for each week of the six-week study. Also includes Parent Pages so parents can lead kids on The Quest at home.

    The Quest for Kids: An Expedition Toward a Deeper Relationship with God by best-selling author Beth Moore, takes kids in Grades 1-6 on a 6-week journey through God’s Word to help them grow closer to God.

    Kids can learn that:
    * God created you to have a relationship with Him.
    * God is sending you on an adventure for Him as an ambassador.
    * God loves to talk with you and wants to use your questions and the events in your life to bring you closer to God.

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  • Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Workbook For Men Updated (Student/Study Guide)


    The Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Workbook for Men will help you uncover and understand the unique shaping factors you bring into your marriage both as a woman/man and as an individual. Prepare for some surprising and helpful insights, for honest, intimate, and enjoyable relationship-strengthening conversations with you and your fiance, and for engaging discussions with a small group.

    Twenty-four exercises will shed amazing new light on the way you are put together, how that affects specific aspects of how you and your loved one relate, and how you can improve those areas to build a better relationship. You will gain unprecedented insights into – your personal “Ten Commandments” – making your roles conscious – getting your sex life off to a great start – identifying your “hot topics” – your spiritual journey … and much, much more
    Les and Leslie will help both of you enjoy lively and eye-opening interaction through seven sessions and bonus sessions on the DVD. For small groups, individual couples, and pastors and marriage counselors, each session links with the workbook exercises and concludes with an exercise each couple can do together over the next week.

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  • Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Workbook For Women Updated (Workbook)


    The Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Workbook for Women will help you uncover and understand the unique shaping factors you bring into your marriage both as a woman/man and as an individual. Prepare for some surprising and helpful insights, for honest, intimate, and enjoyable relationship-strengthening conversations with you and your fiance, and for engaging discussions with a small group.

    Twenty-four exercises will shed amazing new light on the way you are put together, how that affects specific aspects of how you and your loved one relate, and how you can improve those areas to build a better relationship. You will gain unprecedented insights into – your personal “Ten Commandments” – making your roles conscious – getting your sex life off to a great start – identifying your “hot topics” – your spiritual journey … and much, much more
    Les and Leslie will help both of you enjoy lively and eye-opening interaction through seven sessions and bonus sessions on the DVD. For small groups, individual couples, and pastors and marriage counselors, each session links with the workbook exercises and concludes with an exercise each couple can do together over the next week.

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  • Saving Your Second Marriage Before It Starts Workbook For Men Updated (Workbook)


    Complete with twenty-eight self-tests-two of them brand-new-and a new group discussion guide, the expanded and updated Saving Your Second Marriage Before It Starts workbooks for men and women will help couples uncover and understand the unique shaping factors they bring into their second marriage both as men and women and as individuals.

    Exercises and assignments will help couples identify and meld their love styles, face the myths of remarriage honestly, become soul mates, identify each person’s “hot topics,” and much more.

    The discussion guide in each workbook integrates with the Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts DVD (sold separately and includes seven pre-marriage sessions plus one additional session specifically designed to help prepare couples for remarriage) to facilitate lively and eye-opening interaction. Each session links with the workbook exercises and concludes with exercises each couple can do together between each lesson.

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  • Saving Your Second Marriage Before It Starts Workbook For Women Updated (Workbook)


    Complete with twenty-eight self-tests-two of them brand-new-and a new group discussion guide, the expanded and updated Saving Your Second Marriage Before It Starts workbooks for men and women will help couples uncover and understand the unique shaping factors they bring into their second marriage both as men and women and as individuals.
    Exercises and assignments will help couples identify and meld their love styles, face the myths of remarriage honestly, become soul mates, identify each person’s “hot topics,” and much more.

    The discussion guide in each workbook integrates with the Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts DVD (sold separately and includes seven pre-marriage sessions plus two additional sessions specifically designed to help prepare couples for remarriage) to facilitate lively and eye-opening interaction. Each session links with the workbook exercises and concludes with exercises each couple can do together between each lesson.

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  • TruthFilled Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Despite what our culture might have you believe, truth is not relative. Every day we are called to discern what to believe, whom to listen to, and what information to trust. Even the thoughts that form in our own minds about ourselves, our circumstances, and our God must be tested. How do we know what is true? How do we believe what’s right?

    Join Ruth Chou Simons in this 7-session study as she guides you through the Book of Colossians and a pattern of being filled up with the truth of God’s Word. Learn what it means, how to preach truth to your own heart, and how doing so can help shape your thought patterns, identity, and actions. There’s no shortage of self help, easy fixes, and worldly advice, but only the truth of God’s Word was meant to fill you up and satisfy you fully.

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  • Unseen The Armor Of God For Kids Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Accent any room with this unique, wooden sign that’s a blank canvas just waiting for your personal touch. It’s decor that you can decorate, featuring intricate, floral artwork and the sentiment, “Faith”. Measures 8″ X 8″.

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  • Unseen The Armor Of God For Kids Younger Kids Activity Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Unseen: The Armor of God for Kids Younger Kids Activity Book is based on Priscilla Shirer’s study of the Armor of God. This version for kids, Unseen is a 7-week study of Ephesians 6:10-17 and helps equip kids to put on the Armor of God to fight life’s battles. Each week develops an aspect of God’s own character, as expressed through Jesus, through Bible study and fun learning activities. Includes Parent Pages so that parents can lead their children through Unseen at home.

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  • Walk


    SKU (ISBN): 9781501891182ISBN10: 1501891189Adam HamiltonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 2019Publisher: Abingdon Press

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  • What Matters Most Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    The world has always been full of trials, disappointments, temptations, fractured friendships, and financial hardships. Yet Paul’s letter to the Philippians claims we can discover contentment and joy in the midst of it all by prioritizing what matters most-Christ.

    Over 7 sessions, study the ever-relevant Letter of Philippians to deepen your relationship with Jesus, turn your worries into worship, and develop gospel-centered tools for navigating relational conflict and thriving in Christian love.

    -Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
    -Personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions
    -Seven interactive teaching videos, approximately 25-30 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent
    -Verse-by-verse study for comprehension and application

    -Learn to live in joy despite your circumstances.
    -Unearth the secret of contentment-knowing Christ.
    -Banish anxiety by implementing biblical practices to rest in the peace of Christ.
    -Prioritize the Lord above all else.
    -Develop gospel-centered tools to navigate relational conflict.

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  • Armor Of God Bible Study Book With Video Access


    All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you – unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

    But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

    The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

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  • Elijah Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Old Testament heroes are best known for their most celebrated, highlight moments: Moses dividing the Red Sea; David slaying Goliath; Gideon routing an insurmountable army; Joshua marching around the defiant walls of Jericho.

    And Elijah-calling down fire on Mount Carmel.

    Blinded by the remarkable narratives of our biblical heroes, we can forget they each had a backstory-months and years of development, even difficulty, which fortified their spiritual muscle and prepared them for the tasks that made their lives unforgettable.

    This 7-session Bible study, on one of the premier ancient prophets, is your invitation to surrender to that process.

    Every serious believer longs to summon up the kind of boldness and faith that can stand firm on Mount Carmel and pray down heaven into impossible situations. Yet few are willing to go through the process required to get them there. Strength of faith, character, and boldness can only be shaped in the hidden fires of silence, sameness, solitude, and adversity. Those who patiently wait on God in the darkness emerge with their holy loyalty cemented, their courage emblazoned, and their confident belief in Him set afire.

    Join author and Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer on a journey through the life and times of Elijah. Discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. And how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right now.

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