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Charles Capps

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  • End Time Events (Expanded)


    Time Is Running Out! The Earth Lease Is About To Expire!

    Could this be the end of the world as we know it? In the midst of cataclysmic natural disasters and great moral decay, God is unveiling new revelation from the Scriptures to prepare this generation for the most traumatic change on the earth in six thousand years!

    In this revealing and prophetic look at God’s Word, bestselling author Charles Capps opens the Scriptures surrounding the end of the age. Pinpointing God’s plan for the events that will end this world as we know it, this exciting book brings to light types and scriptural composites which God has hidden in the Bible for this generation!

    This careful study of end-time events offers clear answers to question such as:
    * When will this age end?
    * When will the Antichrist be revealed?
    * Will God protect His people or deliver them from the seven years of Tribulation?
    * What Bible keys reveal the end of the church age?
    * What is the Solomon Concept and how does it reveal future events?
    * Do biblical numbers unveil end-time revelation?
    * And many others!

    Don’t be left in the dark concerning the twenty-first century and the events that will close out this age, thrusting the inhabitants of planet earth into the last millennium before eternity!

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  • Gods Creative Power For Finances


    Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They can defeat you or they can bring you life. They can make the difference in your finances and your well-being. God created the universe by speaking it into existence and He has given you that same ability. Learn to turn your financial situation around by following the powerful principles of faith contained in this book.

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  • Seedtime And Harvest


    Seedtime and harvest is God’s method for bringing forth His Kingdom into our lives. Everything produces after its kind. If you give love, you will reap love.

    Plant Your Seed!

    This is something you can do. Jesus said that you are the one planting the seed. God’s Word is incorruptible seed, and God’s promises are seeds for harvest. In this book you will learn that as you speak God’s promises out of your mouth as a seed, it goes into your heart to grow and produce a harvest of blessing.

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  • Thermostat Of Hope


    The heart is true to the demands placed on it. Surely no one would be foolish enough in natural things to argue with you when you turn the thermostat to 70 degrees, but they will when you set your goal on God’s promises. Hope, like a thermostat, is simply a goal-setter with no substance. Faith, which comes from the heart, is the substance of what you desire. The heart (spirit) of man is like the heart of the heating-cooling unit.

    Designed by God to produce the very thing you plant in it.

    You plant it or set the goal by speaking it!

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  • Tongue : A Creative Force


    Words Are The Most Powerful Things in the Universe!

    The words you speak will either put you over in life or hold you in bondage. Many people have been held captive in their circumstances by their own words. The absence of God’s Word in your life will rob you of faith in His ability.

    Receive From God!
    Put yourself in a position to receive God’s best for you by speaking His Word. God’s creative power is still just as it was in the beginning of time when He stood there and said, “Light-be,” and light was. His Word spoken from your mouth and conceived in your heart becomes a spiritual force releasing His ability within you.

    Creative Power In You!
    Man was created in the image of God and His likeness. Learn to speak His faith-filled words to your situation and see your life transformed. Allow God’s creative power to flow from you.

    “I have told My people they can have what they say, but My people are saying what they have.”

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  • Gods Creative Power For Healing



    God’s Creative Power Will Work for You, by Charles Capps, first published in 1976, has sold more than 2.3 million copies! The lives of Christians around the world have been revolutionized by the powerful principles of confessing God’s Word found within its pages.

    Now God’s Creative Power for Healing is here to follow in its footsteps.

    This powerful book combines all new teaching with scripture confessions for heating. You will learn how you can release the ability of God for your healing by the words of your mouth!

    Faith-filled words will put you over – God’s Creative Power for Healing will work for you!

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  • Gods Creative Power Will Work For You


    This best selling minibook, in English, Charles Capps shows how you can learn to release the ability of God by the words of your mouth. Includes scriptures and confessions to follow for several subjects and circumstances. Fear-filled words will defeat you, but faith-filled words will put you over! Over 3 million copies of this booklet are in print. People use this booklet to make their daily ‘Word’ confessions. Many people buy dozens of these gems and give them away, producing some great miracles in people’s lives.

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