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Roberts Liardon

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  • Gods Generals For Kids A A Allen


    The extremely popular children’s book series God’s Generals for Kids by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg bring you volume 11 of their collection focussing on the life of Asa A. Allen. Asa had no hope and his life was a mess until he met Jesus. That encounter with Jesus turned everything around. As Asa learned to obey God, God started to work through him, doing astounding miracles that were talked about around the world.

    A.A. Allen’s story will encourage you that it’s not where you come from that counts, but where you are going. Be encouraged by his story to follow God with all your heart.

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  • Gods Generals For Kids Aimee Semple McPherson


    The extremely popular children’s book series God’s Generals for Kids by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg bring you volume 9 of their collection; which focuses on the shockingly eventful life of Aimee Semple McPherson. From Kidnappings, to Romance to Family problems, Aimee’s story shows how the power of God can change lives. Thousands of people discovered Jesus through her sermons. This book will show you how to use the talents that God has given you to help build His kingdom. These books are aimed at children aged between eight to twelve; and now feature an updated study section with cross curricular themes, ideal for home schooling environments.

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  • Gods Generals For Kids Charles Parham


    This newly released and enhanced sixth volume in the very popular God’s Generals for Kids series now includes an updated study section with cross curricular themes, suitable for home schooling groups.

    These books are written for children in the eight – to – twelve age group.

    This book is about Charles Fox Parham who has been called ”the father of Pentecost.” Parham was an American preacher and evangelist who worked with William J. Seymour in the spread of Pentecostalism after the Azusa Street Revival. Parham associated speaking in tongues with the baptism in the Holy Spirit. He invited both African – Americans and Mexican – Americans to join his new movement.

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  • Gods Generals For Kids Evan Roberts


    This newly released and enhanced fifth volume in the very popular God’s Generals for Kids series by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg now includes an updated study section with cross curricular themes, suitable for home schooling groups . It tells the story of Evan Roberts, a great leader in the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905.

    He was a very caring child, and many thought he was unusual. Few guessed that he could ever grow up to be used by God as a key preacher in the Great Welsh Revival. Not only was he unusual; he was extraordinary.

    This exciting book for children shows how God changed the nation of Wales in those days. Preachers, policemen, drunks, miners, and even donkey felt the effects of this amazing revival, as thousands of people started going to church and crying out to God.

    As children read about his life of prayer, they will discover how and why Evan was used by God in this great move of His Spirit. They will discover how one person can truly make a difference when they are devoted to the Lord through prayer and commitment.

    God is looking for people like Evan Roberts today–people of all ages who are willing to pray and keep on praying until the answer comes. As children read this book, they will be inspired to play their part in building God’s kingdom on Earth.

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  • Gods Generals For Kids Jack Coe


    The extremely popular children’s book series God’s Generals for Kids by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg bring you volume 10 of their collection focussing on the life of Jack Coe. Jack learned to obey God in every detail of life. He joined the army, because God told him to. He even sold his house and bought a crusade tent to obey God’s call on his life. In that tent thousands of people were saved, healed and restored by God.

    Life was not always easy, but Jack Coe was not afraid. He faced problems head-on, knowing God was with him. His remarkable story will encourage you to the same.

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  • Gods Generals For Kids John Dowie


    Newly released and enhanced Volume three

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  • Gods Generals For Kids John G Lake


    This is the eighth book in the popular series for children on the lives of the great generals of the faith.

    John G. Lake was an extraordinary man who was once a wealthy businessman who gave everything up to follow God.

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  • Gods Generals For Kids Maria Woodworth-Etter


    Newly released and enhanced Volume Four, Maria Woodworth-Etter now includes an updated study section with cross curricular themes, suitable for home schooling groups This very popular book takes a look at the story of Maria Woodworth Etter. She had a very tough childhood and, as she grew older, life wasn’t always easy. It was only when she turned to God that she found a peace that would not go away. As she obeyed God, many people were saved and healed. She also experienced strange trances and heard God speaking to her, but the world could not understand her. Newspapers accused her of making people go crazy, and she was often threatened by hooligans.

    Through all of this, she kept on following God, even though she never knew that growing older, life wasn’t always easy. It was only though, that God would always be with her. As you read about Maria, you will see how God can use you, too, as you learn to obey Him. If she were here today, she would say to you, “Learn about God and salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray and ask the Lord to lead your life, and then listen carefully, for you, too, may be called to be a trailblazer for God.

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  • Gods Generals For Kids William Branham


    The subject of the book, William Branham, was one of the key leaders in the healing revival movement. The young reader will be thrilled to discover the supernatural signs that God gave to him to let him know how to help other people. Learning about some of the incredible, miraculous things that happened around William Branham will build the reader’s faith. This book reveals Branham’s hunger for God, his heart for people, and the mistakes he made. The reader will learn to know when God is speaking to him and in the process, be inspired, challenged, and encouraged. His story will help young people everywhere to live their lives for God and to obey Him no matter what the cost may be. These books are aimed at children aged between eight to twelve; and now feature an updated study section with cross curricular themes, ideal for home schooling environments.

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  • Gods Generals For Kids William Seymour


    The extremely popular children’s book series God’s Generals for Kids by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg bring you volume 7 of their collection; which focuses on the life and teaching of William J. Seymour who was a son of slaves. He was hated by so many as he was growing up and he was blind in one eye, but he became one of the greatest leaders in church history, a pioneer in the amazing Asusa Street Revival.

    During this revival many supernatural events took place. Blind people saw, deaf people heard, and lame people walked. These miracles and many others drew the attention of the world, but what really drew crowds to the little building on Azusa Street was the love that flowed from God’s presence. God came in a cloud of glory and with fire. Thousands of people from all over the world went there to meet God, and many of them left to serve Him in their home places. Each one became a missionary for the Lord. God is still flowing mightily around the world, as the effects of this revival are felt in every country today.

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