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Tony Dungy

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  • Maria Finds Courage


    Find the Courage to Try Something New

    When Maria’s family moves to a new town, her parents sign her up for the summer soccer team to help her meet new friends. But Maria has never tried soccer before. She would rather be back on her old swim team. Maria is afraid she will be the worst player and no one will like her.

    Coach Tony and Coach Lauren remind Maria everything is new at first. Maria will have to give soccer a try to see if she likes it. What have you wanted to try but were afraid to? Like Maria, you can have the courage to try something new, because who knows? That new thing you try might just become your next favorite thing!

    Join the Team!

    The Team Dungy series of picture books for young readers, ages 6-9, teaches character-building lessons through the familiar world of sports.

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  • Soul Of A Team


    From the New York Times bestselling author of The Mentor Leader and Quiet Strength comes a book sure to transform your team or organization!

    For most people, succeeding in life requires mastering the art of teamwork. Whether at work, school, church, or home, virtually everyone is part of a team-and when they work well, teams can accomplish more than individuals working by themselves.

    But not all teams are created equal. When a team isn’t functioning well, individual strengths can be undermined and weaknesses accentuated, making the work environment a terrible place to be. So what does a truly effective team environment look like, and how can you create one within your own organization?

    As a former Super Bowl-winning coach, Tony Dungy is an expert at building and bringing out the best in a team. Drawing on his experiences from years of coaching and working with other leaders, this football fable lays out four essential principles practiced by truly effective teams. Telling the story of a fictional NFL team looking for a turnaround, The Soul of a Team not only identifies some of the most common issues that hold a team back but also lays out a game plan for winning teamwork. Whether you aspire to be a better leader or a stronger team player, The Soul of a Team will show you how to contribute to a stronger, healthier, more productive team destined for success.

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  • Uncommon Marriage


    Together, the Dungys have experienced joy and purpose—and loss and tragedy. What’s helped them ride out the highs and lows of their marriage? Sharing the secrets of their successful relationship, they offer practical advice on how to get through tough times, stay connected despite busy schedules, support each other’s dreams, grow spiritually, and more. 256 pages, hardcover from Tyndale.

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  • We Chose You


    Every Family is Created by God

    God forms families in many different ways and sizes, but all are equally important and special.

    When adopted son Calvin needs to tell about his family for a class assignment, he discovers his parents were praying for him long before they chose him. Not only that, but God chose them for Calvin. It wasn’t by chance and it wasn’t an accident. It was according to His plan.

    We Chose You was written to communicate to all children, whether birthed or adopted, that they are chosen. That they are secure. That they are loved. This is a message every child needs to hear.

    Let this book give you the words to tell your child about your family’s unique story.

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  • You Can Do It


    Tony Dungy’s little brother, Linden, is a third grader who is having a bad day at school. Linden is the youngest of the Dungy family and the least motivated because he hasn’t found “it.” In a family where everyone seems to have found their special talent, all Linden knows is that he wants to make people happy.
    With encouragement from his parents, a helping hand from his older brother Tony, and inspiration from God, Linden learns that if he dreams big and has faith, he can do anything!

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